Obtain A Prescription

Dispensing patients 

We are allowed to dispense prescriptions to patients who live further than one mile from a pharmacy. You must register for dispensing services with us when you register as a new patient. This does not remove your freedom to take a prescription to an outside pharmacy at any time.

Prescribing patients

If you live within a one mile radius of a chemist, ie Madeley and Loggerheads pharmacies, then we are unable to dispense medication to you directly from either Madeley or Baldwins Gate Surgeries, and you must take your prescription to any outside chemist. However, you may wish to use the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS). Instead of collecting your paper prescription from the surgery you can have your prescription sent electronically to the pharmacy of your choice. Click here for more information. Please note that currently Controlled Drugs cannot be sent electronically and you would still need to pick up the paper prescription for those items. If you have any queries, please speak to a member of the reception staff.

For information on medicines look at www.bnf.org.

How may I order a repeat prescription?

You may order a repeat prescription by:

(a) Leaving your tear off slip in the repeat prescription box at the Surgery entrance (at Moss Lane Surgery & Baldwins Gate Surgery), having ticked the items on your tear off slip that you require. Blank order slips are available outside dispensary if you have forgotten your repeat prescription slip.

(b) By leaving a message on the answer phone. The telephone number is 01782 750790. You may use this facility any time of the day or week.

Please remember to state clearly your PIN number first, then your name and the items required. We normally take messages off the answer phone by 12 noon each day. Messages after 12 noon will not be taken off until the next working day.

(c) By direct request to a dispensary staff member at Madeley Surgery, the receptionist at Baldwins Gate Surgery or to a doctor during your consultation.

(d) On the internet. To register to use this service please contact reception. You will need to provide two forms of identification (one photo ID and one with your current address) for us to be able to issue you with your login details.

(e) By posting your tear-off slip to us.

How long do I have to wait until my prescription is ready to collect?

We require two full working days.

What do I do when the dispensary is closed

During the week when the Surgery is open make all enquiries at the reception desk where our staff will be able to help you.

Can someone else collect my prescription for me?

Yes, but this can sometimes throw up awkward confidentiality issues. To avoid this, anybody who collects prescriptions regularly for another person will require written consent. Please ask for more information. In other circumstances reception and medical staff will use their judgement.

What about items prescribed by the hospital?

There is agreement between the hospital and North Staffs PCT that any patient seen at the hospital either as an inpatient or an outpatient requiring medication will be given 28 days supply of medicines on discharge from being an inpatient and if you are seen in an outpatient clinic and the prescription is urgent, then it is the responsibility of the doctor seeing you at the hospital to provide you with the prescription. It is not the responsibility of the Surgery. In these circumstances the Surgery requires the usual 48 hours to provide a prescription.

Why do you only give me 28 days supply of my medicine?

This is in line with both national and local policies for good prescribing. The reasoning is that it saves wastage of medication and serves as a monitor for compliance of medicines being taken.

What shall I do if I have a query about my prescription?


a) Put your question in writing using one of the notes at the dispensary hatch or writing the query on your repeat prescription slip.

b) Ask in person at the dispensary hatch or receptionist desk.

c) Leave a message on the answer phone.

d) Leave a message on the internet service.

I am going on holiday abroad and I need a longer prescription?

Under these circumstances in line with national NHS regulations we may give you up to three months prescription as you require.

What is the current charge for prescription items? Is anyone exempt?

The individual prescription charge is £9.90 from 1 May 2024.

Prescriptions are free for a patient who is:

  • Under 16
  • Aged 16, 17 or 18 and in full-time education
  • 60 years of age or over
  • Named on a current HC2 charges certificate
  • Named on a Working Tax Credit NHS Exemption Certificate
  • Named on a Child Tax Credit NHS Exemption Certificate
  • Prescriptions are free for a patient who has:
  • A current maternity exemption certificate
  • A current medical exemption certificate
  • A current prescription pre-payment certificate
  • A war pension exemption certificate
  • A Tax Credit Exemption Certificate
  • Been prescribed free-of-charge contraceptives

Prescriptions are free for a patient who receives:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance tax credit
  • Minimum Income Guarantee and Pension Credit guarantee credit

Further information can be found on: www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/help-nhs-prescription-costs/free-nhs-prescriptions

Pre-payment Certificates

If you pay a prescription charge and regularly obtain three or more items per

month then it is worth considering purchasing a pre-payment certificate.

Ask at either dispensary or reception for details.

If you have a problem please ask your pharmacist.

If your pharmacist is unable to help, speak to a member of the reception or dispensary staff to see if the matter can be resolved. Otherwise either talk to or write to the Practice Manager.


What are the opening hours of the dispensary at Moss Lane Surgery?

  • Monday 8.30am-6:00pm
  • Tuesday 8.30am-6.00pm
  • Wednesday 8.30am-6.00pm
  • Thursday 8.30am-6.00pm
  • Friday 8.30am-6.00pm

What do I do if the dispensary is closed?

During the week when the Surgery is open make all enquiries at the reception desk where our staff will be able to help you.

May I still use an outside chemist if I wish to?

Yes, registering to be a dispensing patient does not exclude your rights to take a prescription to an outside chemist, it simply means that you have the extra option of obtaining your prescriptions from the Surgery.

Can I collect my prescription items from Baldwins Gate?

Yes, simply make this clear when ordering your repeat prescription items that you wish to collect them from there. Baldwins Gate Surgery is open to collect prescriptions on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings only, from 9.00am to 12 noon.

Please note if you have controlled drugs on your prescription these cannot be delivered to Baldwins Gate for collection because of current legislation.

Can you deliver my prescription items?

We do offer a limited delivery service to patients who are housebound. Please contact dispensary staff for further details.

Does the dispensary use imported medicines?

No, we rarely use imported medicines. We obtain most of our medicines from a local wholesaler or direct from the pharmaceutical companies and we try to avoid using any imported generic drugs.

Is the dispensary subject to any external review?

The dispensary has signed up to the NHS Quality Dispensing Scheme and is subject to a rigorous review of its operating procedures and staff training on a regular basis.